Monday, June 26, 2006

We're Havin' Fun!

The fun began last Thursday. Carole's mom had carpal tunnel surgery. She's 87 and uses a walker to get around. Naturally, with one arm disabled, she needed a place to rehab where someone could take care of her. So we volunteered.

Then yesterday, Sunday, I had to take Carole's brother, Joe, to the ER. He had a raging fever and shortness of breath. He was diagnosed with pneumonia. I took him because his wife, Laura, was sick and they have 1 year-old twins to care for.

This morning, Laura was getting worse so she went to the doctor and I kept the twins. Carole stayed with her mom and also kept Maddie, our grand-daughter, because Maddie's mom was going to the baby doctor for her first visit with her new pregnancy. (Are you still with me?) Laura was diagnosed with bronchitis and an ear infection. She has had no sleep the last two days, so we offered to keep the twins for the time being. I brought them home with me.

So now we have twins plus Carole's mom. As I was typing this, Carole's sister called and said that Ralph (her husband) was in the same hospital as Joe and had been diagnosed with pneumonia. Ralph is now right down the hall from Joe, but neither is allowed outside their room, so they can't see each other and swap stories.

When this summer began, I prayed that God would give us opportunities for service in His name. I never dreamed he would wipe out most of Carole's family to accomplish it.

I better go. The twins are waking up. Sigh....


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Suddenly teaching seems easy huh! (wink)

Tim Perkins said...

Yeah. I got Teacher of the Year once. I will never, ever be in the running for Mother of the Year.

Jenny said...

Save some energy for San Antonio! Cause I don't have any left.


Tim Perkins said...

Carole and I have already committed ourselves to staying the entire weekend in the hot tub without the kids.

Brooke said...

Why don't y'all consider having twins like Joe and Laura did! You've got some good years in ya! What do you think?